Friday, September 19, 2008

my milo...

milo…rindunyer kat milo. milo…the name tat I gave for my new lil kitten. the name given as milo since his fur color like a milo drinks. he is so cute. The one tat really closed to me. since he was born, m the one who act like his 2nd mother hahaha

talking about milo’s mom…i don’t know why dia suka letak milo kat bawah pokok pisang depan rumah. bila hujan…i la yg kelam kabut amik milo bawak masuk rumah. banyak kali gak i pindahkan milo….tp nanti sure mak dia pindahkan milo balik.

milo mmg manja with me….my futsal sock geng kat rumah…also geng untuk lumba lari dari gate luar sampai dalam rumah :) he will wait for me came back from work. If I open the gate…then he’ll follow me to the kenala bawak dia naik kereta even nak masukkan kereta dalam rumah je.

but 1 fine day…I balik keje…he was not around. i was thinking that he might be inside the house. but then cari punya cari….he was not around. i cari kat padang depan rumah…nearby house block area…i cant find him.

i waited for him for a week…no sign at all. my fren kata tiap2 malam masa bagi kucing lain makan, jerit la nama milo mana tau dia dengar. So tiap2 malam la i jerit macam orang gila panggil milo. x balik jugak. i rasa ada org amek dia since dia cute sangat.

i sempat shoot pic dia tengah main stoking futsal. bila tengok balik…rasa sedih sangat….rindunyer. mana milo…..

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